Sally Harrison Sally Harrison

Why there’s more to breathing than you think

Breathing is one of our most vital functions- if we’re not breathing, we’re not living! But it’s important - especially for dancers and other athletes who rely upon their body to perform at peak- not to take breathing for granted. By optimising how you breathe, you can impact everything from your recovery, to your mobility, to your stress levels and so much more!

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Sally Harrison Sally Harrison

The Importance of Hip and Core Training: A Case Study

The importance of hip and core training - how it can help you keep doing what you love, and why it’s important to get the full picture. Read this fascinating case study and learn about the importance of optimal alignment.

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Sally Harrison Sally Harrison

Knee Pain in Dancers

Knee injuries are prevalent among dancers and pose significant challenges for physiotherapists specializing in dance-related injuries. This article delves into the biomechanics of the knee, emphasizing the intricate relationship between the knee and foot. Additionally, we'll explore the impact of hypermobility on the knee joint and discuss evidence-based strategies for injury prevention.

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Sally Harrison Sally Harrison

All About Feet!

As we starting looking forward to the new year, you may be heading into full time training, embarking on a new project or contract, or maybe this is the year to open up your own school or teach some regular classes. One thing that remains true is that we need to look after our feet. As dancers/dance teachers we are often wearing pointe shoes, heels or thick trainers for our craft, so good foot care is especially important.

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Sally Harrison Sally Harrison

Unlocking your flexibility with Anatomy Trains

Flexibility is a fundamental aspect of human movement and performance. Whether you're an athlete, a dancer, or simply someone interested in maintaining a healthy and active lifestyle, the ability to move with ease and fluidity is crucial.

Thomas Myers, an influential bodyworker and author, has developed a revolutionary concept known as Anatomy Trains, which provides valuable insights into the interconnectedness of our body's tissues and how they influence flexibility.

In this blog, we will delve into the fascinating world of Anatomy Trains and explore how it can enhance our understanding of flexibility.

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Sally Harrison Sally Harrison

What professional dancers know that could give you the edge! 

Our body is the tool of our trade when it comes to dance, so how well do we train it to achieve the desired results?

Unfortunately, the majority of education for dancers tends to focus on high-level technique and performance, with little regard to the fundamentals required to build a strong and resilient body.

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