Are resistance bands good for you?

We’ve been using the humble resistance band for years - in the physio clinic, at home, and in the gym. While other pieces of equipment come and go with the endless fads of the fitness industry, the resistance band has really stood the test of time and here’s why;

Affordable & Portable

You don’t need to spend a load of money and unlike traditional weights, resistance bands are easy to carry about. Meaning you don’t have to travel specifically to the gym or to a Pilates studio. If you’ve got even just 10 minutes in your day, you can bring out your bands and do some strength drills.

Band-ITS Lower Limb Kit

Different Strengths

It’s easy to regress/progress your exercises with a resistance band, so you can always be progressively overloading the body. This leads to greater strength gains and better movement patterns. You can either use a different strength band to add or take away weight, or you can modify an exercise using things such as length of levers, speed, and base of support. Because of this, anyone can use resistance bands to train effectively, from beginners to elite athletes.

Excellent for core training

Resistance bands provide an effective way to train the hips, core, and pelvis. It’s so important to have strength and stability in this area as it’s the powerhouse for the rest of the body. Using theraband (or the Band-ITS Lower Limb Kit) you can create a circle of resistance at the top of the legs, close to the hips, for a safe and efficient way of training this area of the body.

Are you training to improve your jump height? Improve your dynamic flexibility? Achieve greater speed? Develop better balance?


We often talk about how training should be specific to the desired outcome (specificity). With resistance bands, you can train in a way that is wholly specific to your preferred sport. The Band-ITS Kit allows you to train in 3-dimensional movement patterns while increasing the number of motor fibres used in that movement. Try adding the bands to your usual practice for added load and get those muscles really firing up! Then when you take away the bands, your body will feel super light, fast, and airy and you’ll feel ten times stronger to do the job.






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