Why Band-ITS?

Band-ITS is a revolutionary Independent Training System that requires no extra equipment, anchors or tools.

Feel the benefit of full body training in any location and enjoy how it feels to excel.

Welcome to freedom in movement!

The Band-ITS training system is designed to benefit any and every individual, from early level injury rehab, to elite athletes. See how Band-ITS can help your find your edge, power your performance and achieve your personal goals.

  • Any age: young to elderly.

    Any size: large or small. (We recommend aged 12 & over)

    Any fitness level: rehab & beginner to elite athlete or performer.

    Anywhere: inside, outside, beach, gym or hospital.

    With anyone: alone, in a group, class or PT session.

  • 5 different strength resistance to accommodate individual requirements & training progressions.

    Attachment security - made from comfortable, non slip neoprene that doesn’t ride up, dig in or fall off. Stretch to allow the leg muscle to contract with ease.

    Longevity - metal clips which won’t snap or break after a few weeks of use.

    Ergonomic - leg band length designed to maximise hip motion with hip external rotation.

    Safety- covered upper limb bands & extra strong velcro to protect the band & the user.

    Affordable - the equipment is economical for gyms, studios and clients for home use.

    Portable - the kit is lightweight and easily transportable for home and away.

    Independent - no need for barres, anchors or additional support, no other equipment is required!

  • Strengthen and stabilise the lower limbs, with special focus on the hips, core and pelvis.

    Maximise jump height and stride length for running.

    Strengthen kicks and leaps.

    Accentuate dynamic flexibility.

    Improve confidence in balance and stability.

    Strengthen your arms and core and replicate the cable machine and free weights.

  • Effective and functional full body training with use of both the upper and lower limb bands.

    3D movement ability and variation with position in space.

    Incorporate Band-ITS into your current fitness program, enhance your performance without increasing training time or adding extra sessions to your busy schedule.

    Resistance can be applied in gravity-neutral positions to assist in training rotation.

    Instant results felt from neuromuscular upregulation!

Anywhere. Anytime.

See the Band-ITS in action:

This is a brief intro of some Pilates based exercises to demonstrate how the Band-ITS ultimate kit can be used as a stand-alone piece of equipment for effective full body training.

You can watch more videos from our database - or go straight through to our YouTube channel.