Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ’s - Core 10-Week Class Pack

Why is it only 10 weeks?

Your class is approximately 60 minutes in length and runs as a full class with instruction with Sally, from warm up and flowing into the body of the class.

Neural adaptation takes about 8-12 weeks for change to occur. This is the instruction from the brain to the muscles to bring about movement patterns. We need to repeat exercises and then progress them to improve our ‘muscle memory’ and drive positive stress into the system.

Why is it released a week at a time?

The content has been design specifically to start with the foundations and progress form there. We want to give you time to focus on a small amount of content and perfect it before moving on. We advise to run the same class 3-4 times a week when received before moving on. Good techniques needs to start from the foundations.

How is it graded?

The exercises progress in variation, complexity and demand. Class 1 is the easiest and the exercise content changes and increases over the 10 weeks, so week 10 is the most complex.

This programme has the added benefit that you can then add external load from the Band-ITS resistance bands which are introduced in week 5. We advise to run all classes once through and then repeat with the resistance added. You will have learnt good technique and grounding and so it will then be safe to add external load to the body.

You can then run the classes as many times as you want and increase the resistance each time to improve your strength. The kit has 5 different strength levels so there is availability for good progress. Remember the small muscles of the body (Isolate L2) will need less resistance.

What are the levels for ?

  • Level 1 Release is introducing you to ‘creating space’. A science based safe approach to mobility and release for the hips, pelvis and lower limbs.

  • Level 2 Isolate is training the small stability muscles that sit close to the joints and control motion to keep the joint centred. Core and turnout focus.

  • level 3 Integrate is training the larger muscles groups that bring about movement and work as a team. They need to learn to switch on and off in an appropriate manner.

  • Level 4 Planks! We love some abs , and this level is all about dynamic planks and functional motion.

  • Level 5 Strength Functional healthy movement on 2 legs. Squats, lunges, hinge in 3d with movement variability.

  • Level 6 Strength on 1 leg Balance training both static and dynamic with 3d variations. This section also trains leg control with jumps and hops.

Can I do this programme if I’ve had an injury?

This programme can be done as prehab- strengthening your power house to minimise injury. It can also be done as rehab- recovering from an injury. The exercises in the classes are taken from specific training I do with dancers in clinic that have had low back and hip injuries. The content has been taken from post graduate training I have done over the past 25 years .

I have been using the training myself for many years and remain pain free and able to dance regularly despite having labral tears and FAI.

What age is this programme for?

This is a programme for dancers of all ages. We advise over 12 yrs due to movement ability and also as the kit doesn’t work as well with a small body. The classes are also suitable for adult dancers that want to improve their dance technique or may have ‘cranky’ hips from dancing and performing when younger.

We hope you enjoy this programme


How are digital products delivered?

When you purchase your programme you will receive an email with login details. Your kit will also be posted on day of purchase and will take a couple of weeks to arrive. All products are available on all of your devices.

Who do I contact if I am having technical difficulties?

Please send our Administration Team an email at and let us know what you are having difficulties with. We don’t outsource our support services so we will aim to help you as soon as we can. You will be dealing directly with our team.

Can I copy or share information or content?

All content is copyright to Band-ITS / Strength4Dance, therefore we ask that you please do not copy the information without our permission. If you would like to share your love for our products on social media, please make sure to tag us!

If I have questions about information or content in the products I have purchased, who do I contact?

We love to answer questions about the content of the courses and classes to help you get the most from your training. We have Facebook and instagram pages where you can chat directly with us if there are any questions.